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Violation of Probation

If they choose to, all probation officers can officially violate your probation and file a warrant. If this happens, in most cases you must turn yourself in with no bond posted while your case is resolved. A probation officer’s accusation of probation violation may arise for any number of reasons. You may have committed a new crime or violated a technical term or condition such as:

Violation of Probation in Miami, Florida
  • Failure to report to your probation officer as scheduled

  • Failure to report to counseling

  • Changing your residence without prior approval

  • Failure to pay fines or restitution.

If this happens, however, because we are experienced in this area, under some circumstances, Albert M. Quirantes & Associates may be able to persuade a judge to set a bond and/or help you in other ways.


Your probation officer may warn you instead of filing an arrest warrant. If you are accused of a technical violation or a misdemeanor your probation officer may give you a notice to appear for court without filing a warrant for your arrest—and, you may get a trip to jail if without an experienced attorney ready to argue why the judge should not take you in.

Definitions of Probation

Florida statutes on probation and community control define probation as any supervision ordered by the court and administered by the Florida Department of Corrections. This includes the following types of probation:


Probation requires specified contacts with parole and probation officers and other terms and conditions, for example:


  • Reporting to probation and parole supervisors as directed

  • Permitting probation supervisors to visit you at home or elsewhere

  • Working faithfully at suitable employment insofar as may be possible

  • Remaining within a specified place

  • Making reparation or restitution to the aggrieved party for the damage or loss caused by his or her offense in an amount to be determined by the court.


At the Miami Florida law firm of Albert M. Quirantes & Associates, we regularly represent clients accused of violation of probation and frequently resolve probation violations quickly and efficiently through a plea bargain.


Albert M. Quirantes, Esq. will first investigate the circumstance of your alleged violation, negotiate on your behalf, and when necessary, prepare your case for trial at an evidentiary hearing, should that be necessary.


When you have been accused of a violation of probation and you need a criminal defense lawyer to protect your rights, call Albert M. Quirantes and Associates at (305) 644-1800.

Call Us Now!


Albert M. Quirantes | Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Office


Miami Crimianl Attorney Albert M. Quirantes

1815 NW 7th Street,

Miami, Florida 33125-3503
1-800-333-LEGAL (5342)

Dade: 305-644-1800
Fax: 305-644-1999

Miami Criminal Lawyer Albert M. Quirantes
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