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Theft Crimes
When you are arrested or theft in Florida, it must be proven that you knowingly obtains or uses property that belongs to someone else with the intent to temporarily or permanently deprive the owner of the right to it.

There are several issues relating to the proof required in a theft case in Florida.
They include identifying the person who stole the money or items, determining the value of the stolen goods, investigating witness statements, and obtaining possible video evidence, if there is any. A theft conviction will stay on your criminal record and will affect any future employment.
The value of the stolen property dictates how serious the charges can become. A misdemeanor Petit Theft charge is theft crime where the value of the stolen money or merchandise is under $300.00. If the amount is under $100.00, the theft is a misdemeanor of the second degree and is punishable by up to 60 days in jail. If the valued amount is over $100.00 and under $300.00, the theft is considered a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail.
There are also felony theft crimes in Florida. A Grand Theft is committed when the value of the items stolen is over $300.00. If an automobile is stolen, the crime is considered Grand Theft Auto in Florida.
If an employee steals from a business, the crime is called Employee Theft. If you have been convicted of prior misdemeanor petit thefts and are arrested for another theft, the misdemeanor can be filed as a Felony Petit Theft.
Dealing in Stolen Property is when you bought or sold an item you knew or should have known was stolen. Other theft related felony crimes in Miami are Embezzlement, Failure to Return Leased Property, and Carjacking.
Call Attorney Albert Quirantes today for a free consultation at 305-644-1800.

Assault & Battery
Burglary And Theft
Child Abuse
Child Pornography
Criminal Conspiracy
Criminal Mischief
Deportable Convictions
Disorderly Conduct
Domestic Violence
Driving Suspended License
Drug Crimes
Drug Possession With Intent
to Sell
Elder Abuse
First Time Offenders
Fraud Charges
Insurance Fraud
Juvenile Crimes
Leaving Scene of a Crash
Medicaid & Medicare Fraud
Obstruction of Justice
Probation Violation
Public Nuisance Offenses
Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud
Reckless Driving
Sex Crimes
Tax Evasion
Theft Crimes
Trespass Crimes
Violent Crimes
White Collar Crimes
Bankruptcy Law
Immigration Law
Personal Injury Law
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