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Albert M. Quirantes | Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Office

Is it legal to pay for sex at a massage parlor in Florida?

Paying for sex at a massage parlor or engaging in prostitution and related activities is illegal in Florida. This includes soliciting, receiving, or agreeing to receive any sexual activity in exchange for money or other forms of compensation.

Florida law strictly prohibits prostitution and assigns penalties that vary based on the specific nature of the offense and the individual’s prior criminal history related to similar offenses.

The state of Florida enforces these laws to combat human trafficking, protect public health, and uphold community standards. Law enforcement agencies frequently conduct operations to identify and arrest individuals involved in illegal activities related to prostitution, including both providers and clients.

Convictions for prostitution-related offenses can result in significant legal consequences, including fines, imprisonment, mandatory health screenings, and participation in intervention programs. Additionally, such convictions can have long-lasting impacts on an individual’s personal and professional life, including damage to one’s reputation and potential employment difficulties.

Given the serious implications of being charged with a prostitution-related offense in Florida, individuals accused of such activities should seek legal representation immediately. The Law Offices of Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers, 305-644–1800, offers experienced defense for those facing prostitution charges, providing knowledgeable legal advice and vigorous representation. Our team is committed to protecting the rights of our clients and working towards the most favorable outcomes in their cases.

If you or someone you know is facing charges related to prostitution or any other criminal offense in Florida, contacting a skilled criminal defense attorney is a critical step. The Law Offices of Albert Quirantes, Esq., are here to help navigate the complexities of the legal system and advocate on your behalf.

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Miami Crimianl Attorney Albert M. Quirantes

1815 NW 7th Street,

Miami, Florida 33125-3503
1-800-333-LEGAL (5342)

Dade: 305-644-1800
Fax: 305-644-1999

Miami Criminal Lawyer Albert M. Quirantes
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Miami FACDL Lawyer | Attorney Albert M. Quirantes
Miami Trial Lawyer | Attorney Albert M. Quirantes
Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer | Attorney Albert M. Quirantes
Miami DUI Lawyer | Attorney Albert M. Quirantes

© Copyright 2024, "The Ticket Lawyers, PA", a Florida corporation operating as "Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers", offers premier state and federal criminal defense services across Florida. Originally the "Ticket Law Center," our headquarters are at 1815 N.W. 7th Street, Miami, Florida 33125. Since May 13, 1988, Albert M. Quirantes has been licensed to practice in Florida, aiming to provide informative content on this site, which should not be interpreted as legal advice. Engaging with our website, emailing, or texting us does not form an attorney-client relationship. Such a relationship is established only upon formal retention, a written agreement, and the payment of a legal fee.

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