Women Drugged Men then Stole their Watches
Police are seeking help identifying a woman who it has been reported drugged and robbed two men on different occasions following meetings in two different Miami area high-end restaurants. The first incident took place at Morton’s Restaurant while the second occurred at Hillstone Restaurant, but both on the same night.
Police have released surveillance photos from the two restaurants identifying two women who are thought to have met the men and went to their homes for drinks, drugged them and stole their Rolex watches.
One of the women who met the man at the Hillstone Restaurant in the Coral Gables is a black female, wearing a skirt and shirt who has long dark hair with tattoos on her back and torso.

The second woman, who visited Morton’s Restaurant, also in Coral Gables, where she met another man is described as a short black woman in a red dress and wearing red-bottomed heels. She possessed a clutch purse.
One of the men reported to cops that he was sitting in the bar of the Hillstone Restaurant at 201 Miracle Mile, when a woman approached him and starting talking to him. They had several drinks and then headed to his place for further drinks. The man said he became light-headed and thought he must have been drugged. He fell asleep and after waking up found the woman was no longer there but he could not find his Rolex watch.
On the same night a second man found himself in the same situation while at Morton’s Restaurant on 2333 Ponce De Leon Blvd., when he was approached by the woman dressed in a red dress who started up a conversation with him. They had several drinks and went back to his place for more.
The man thought he had been drugged as he fell asleep while the woman was still with him and later he awoke and she had gone and so had some cash, his Rolex and a firearm.

At this stage, police don’t know which drug was used for drugging the two men and they have not had any leads as to the whereabouts of the two women. Many incidents like these have been reported in South Beach nightclubs, where one must beware of date-rape drugs being slipped in one’s drinks. Now, it seems to have spread to the city
If either of these women is found, charges of robbery, theft and drug possession may be made, depending on whether the drugs alleged to have been used on the two men are considered controlled substances and whether they are actually found on the women. Theft charges depend on the value of the goods allegedly stolen. Petit theft charges may result from low value theft, while grand theft felony charges are for higher value goods stolen.

Considering the circumstances surrounding the two seemingly connected events, it may be difficult to prove that the two women did actually do what the men say they did. There are no witnesses to what went on in the two separate rooms and even if the women are found and identified, it may come down to whether the burden of proof is sufficient to sustain a conviction. In any event, the women will certainly need the assistance of an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney to ensure that they get the justice they deserve and the account of what transpired is not exaggerated.
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If you have any questions about this or any other criminal accusation, call Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Albert Quirantes at: 305-644-1800 or visit our homepage www.CriminalDefendant.com for a direct link to the office or a text message or a map and directions to our office.